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Claim your FREE Diastasis Recti Self-Check. In 6 simple steps you can check to see if you have Diastasis Recti. Fill out the form below

you and your family deserve the best version of yourself lEARN HOW TO hEAL yOUR dIASTASIS rECTI aND STRENGTHEN YOUR CORE

No unnecessary surgery
No Belly Binders 
We realize some people may be unsure if physical therapy is right for them. Are you wondering if it'll work or if we can help with your problem? If that sounds like you and you'd like to come see for yourself how we can help you, just fill out the simple form above so we can answer your questions.

Tiffany, M .



Diastasis recti is separation, or gapping of the abdominal muscles, more specific, the rectus abdominis. The distance between the right and the left rectus abdominis is created by the stretching of the linea alba. The abdominals are made up of four main muscle groups that combine and completely cover the internal organs.

Diastais recti can happen to anyone including men and newborns. In pregnant and postpartum women, the condition is caused by the stretching of the rectus abdominis by the growing uterus. It is more common in women with multiple pregnancies from repeated stretches. 




When pregnant, the uterus can sometimes be seen bulging through the abdominal wall underneath the skin. Postpartum, it will present as coning of the stomach when intraabdominal pressure increases such as when doing a sit-up. If the Diastasis Recti is significantly wide or deep enough, you could even see a gully or trench down the middle of your stomach. Often times it can be seen as the "mommy pooch"


For Diastasis


A simple self check can let you know if you have diastasis recti. Lie on a firm surface on your back and lift head off surface while fingers placed at belly button. A separation may be felt with 2+ fingers. A physical therapist will assess the width and depth of the gap.

 Physical Therapy

The treatment approach used at Bump Fit Physical Therapy is based on 3 key areas. 

1. Bump Fit Physical Therapy uses a specific and very intentional progression to rehabilitate the deep, stabilizing postural muscles of the core and pelvic floor based off of Neuro-Developmental Technique approach which reconnects the feedback loop between the brain and the muscles by taking the neglected muscles through the function that they were originally designed to do. 

2. Our approach purposefully designs every strengthening exercise, anti-compensation stretch, myofascial release and motor learning strategy to integrate into the functional use of each specific muscle group. Our approach prioritizes upright postures with balanced and active muscle alignments. We make it functional, we make it meaningful and we make it doable.

3. Everything we do with the patient is ultimately for the patient to be able to do independently. We focus on educating on how the body was designed and creating an understanding of why the body may be failing to function.  We help patients rehabilitate the core while equipping them with the awareness and tools they will need to identify and improve ongoing alignment challenges. Our goal is to empower clients with strength and tools for life.

Tiffany, M

At my six-week follow-up appointment after my third child birth, I was diagnosed with diastasis recti. I did some research for a pelvic floor therapist and came across the Bump Fit Physical Therapy instagram page. Sigri offered a free workshop at a local yoga studio and from there we connected to begin my rehab journey. Sigri's bedside manner is very easygoing, yet professional, and she answered any questions or concerns I had throughout the process. I definitely felt my core strengthen after just 2-3 sessions, and she provided me with some exercises and stretches that gave me immediate pain relief. My recommendation is to definitely use the services of Bump Fit Physical Therapy if you are experiencing any discomfort prenatal and/or postnatal. There is no need to settle for the aches and pains of pregnancy and/or the fourth trimester. Let Sigri guide you toward relief so that you can live the best version of yourself in motherhood.gage your audience and get them to click. 

Diastasis Recti

Rebecca S.

Sigri is fantastic. I saw Sigri after having my second son in the beginning of COVID, between having a baby, toddler out of school for several months, and not being able to get to the gym, I was unable to bounce back like I had after my first. Ten months into my postpartum period I realized that I had DR, and needed someone who could work with my schedule and limited childcare options. Sigri came to my home on a weekly basis and worked with me in our home gym. I started to feel better after my first session and quickly saw results in the subsequent weeks. While I am not quite back to where I was, I notice my strength coming back and now have the confidence to return to my old exercise routine without fear of injury or making my DR worse. I would recommend Sigri to anyone regardless of where they are in their postpartum journey. She is a gem!

Rachel, S.

 I cant not say enough good things about Sigri and Bump Fit Physical Therapy!!! I have 3 kids, 5 and under and let's just say my body isnt what it use to be. After about a year of putting myself on the back-burner, I decided I needed to do something for me and a big part of that was trying to fix some of the problems I was left with after delivering 3 babies. I was dealing with a pretty deep and wide diastasis recti gap, urinary incontinence from prolapsed bladder, and lower back pain (from a work related injury). I reached out to Sigri through a FB birth workers group we're both in, timid and nervous about starting and trying to fix what seemed to me insurmountable issues, but Sigri calmed all those nerves. She has been an absolute dream to work with. We did an initial consult, with my kiddos screaming in the background and I never felt judged on the chaos then or at any of our other visits. We talked through a plan and then met weekly. She was willing to travel a bit further than normal to meet at my house for visits. We did a mix of in-person and virtual visits, each week, building on exercises to help strengthen my lower back, pelvic floor and abdominal muscles. After a little over 4mo of working with Bump Fit, I've made awesome progress. The diastasis recti gap has closed significantly, lower abdominal muscles are closed and I feel strength in my core that I've been missing since baby #2. The urinary incontinence issues I was dealing with (leaking when jumping, dancing, fast walking, laughing too hard, and just randomly) are drastically better!! The only time I deal with urinary incontinence issues now is with jumping and even then, if I take time to set myself, do the breathing exercises and control my pelvic floor and abdominal muscles, I can jump with no issues. The exercises have also tremendously helped when I'm dealing with lower back issues. If you're questioning whether or not you need these types of services, dont, reach out to Sigri and Bump Fit TODAY, and work on yourself. I was sad when I "graduated" from her program, but that meant I had done the work to fix the issues I was having. Forever grateful to Sigri!!!

4 Main

Muscle Groups

  • External oblique muscles - located on each side of rectus abdominis. Allows trunk to twist.

  • Internal oblique muscles - located just inside hip bones. Work opposite and connection with external obliques.

  • Transversus abdominis - deepest muscles of the abdominals. Help to stabilize the trunk and maintain internal abdominal pressure.

  • Rectus abdominis - Located between the ribs and pubic bone at the front of the pelvis and what makes up a "six pack." Primary function is movement of the body between there ribcage and pelvis.

Pelvic floor Maryland

Can it be 


Mostly definitely, yes! Remember, diastasis recti is separation of the rectus abdominis due to stretching of the lines alba. When muscles are its utmost lengthened position it is at its disadvantage.


When a muscle is lengthened 2 things happen: the lengthened muscles get weak and those muscles opposite of it, in this case your low back, tighten causing the pelvis to go into an anterior pelvic tilt and protrude your tummy and placing it in an even more weakened position.

Can Cupping Heal Your Diastasis?

If it goes  Untreated

Simply doing nothing about your diastatis recti affects you both internally as well as your outward appearance. Diastasis Recti causes the "mommy pooch", most women try to avoid. If left untreated, a Diastasis Recti can cause:

  • Low Back Pain

  • Constipation

  • Incontinence

  • Prolapse

  • Pelvic Pain

  • Core Weakness

Pelvic Floor Pain

Meet The Team

Dr. Sigri Reyes



Doctor of Physical Therapy | Corrective Exercise Specialist| Prenatal and Postpartum Exercise Specialist| Concussion Specialist

Dr. Sigri Reyes is the owner and founder of Bump Fit Physical Therapy. Through her personal experiences in pregnancy and postpartum, Dr. Reyes’ interest peaked in this specialized field because she realized follow up visits with her OBGYN were not as comprehensive as other countries around the world. This leaves many postnatal women at risk for injuries, pain and movement dysfunctions.

Get the high quality, one-on-one patient care you deserve! 
Corrective Exercise Specialist  through National Academy of Sports Medicine. 
Tummy Team
We have advanced training through The Tummy Team.
Knocked Up
5 Star Google Review
Prenatal and Postnatal Exercise
Specialist through Knocked Up Fitness
Becoming Pain Free & Healthy Is Easier Than You Think
Step 1:

Call our expert team

Step 2:

We'll work with you to find and treat the cause of your pain.

Step 3:

Get back to being a healthy strong mom!

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We Come To You: House Calls to Fredrick, Montgomery & Washington County
Treatments: In Home and Home Gym
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